Professional injection-extraction system, model LP08 PLUS GT
LP08 PLUS GT is an innovative professional injection-extraction system that combine the cleaning action of water and detergent along with a powerful aspiration: in this way is possible to work quickly and effectively.
LP08 PLUS GT is able to vacuum solids, liquids and dusts with an exhauster power of 1200 watt (n. 1 engine).
LP08 PLUS GT has a wide range of standard (n. 8) and optional accessories that allow an easy and fast cleaning in car washing services, in food and professional laboratories (restaurants, bakeries, ... ), in places open to the public (hospitals, hotels, gyms, ... ), in construction and cleaning companies, in disinfestation companies and more.
LP08 PLUS GT is used with a non-foaming detergent that has to be introduced in the external detergent tank of 6,2 L. (1,63 gal.). The solution water/detergent washes the surface and the dirt is immediately aspirated and introduced in the tank.
LP08 PLUS GT is provided with: a stainless steel tank of 22 L. (5,81 gal.), a strong carrying handle, a switch with anti-spry cap, base with 4 wheels that allow an easy movement.
LP08 PLUS GT weight: 12 Kg. - 26,45 lb.
LP08 PLUS GT dimensions: 40x40x83 cm. - 15,74x15,74x32,67 in.
Technical Data